This website supports visitors using assistive technologies. We strive to provide content that is accessible to visitors using screen readers and other assistive devices. If you have a special request regarding access to content please contact us. This Website strives to adhere to W3C WCAG Version 2 level A.
Using Assistive devices with this Site
Skip to Content
The unique content on each page of the site can be accessed using the ‘skip to content’ link located at the top of each page. Visitors using screen readers can use this feature to jump directly to the main content.
Links, Headings, Images and Videos
The text used in links within the site has been written to ensure the target of the link is adequately identified by the text. Headings are identified using relevant code within the HTML of each page and heading text clearly identifies the content of the section. Alternative text has been provided for all images and videos that contain significant content.
Browser and technology Support
We strive to support the following browsers:
Internet Explorer 8.0+
Firefox – Current versions
Chrome – Current versions
Safari – Current versions
Opera – Current versions
Android – Current Versions
This site requires JavaScript support to access the email contact address.
Site Design
Site design and development by Chroma24 Interactive